The Next Step Get a Quote

Are you ready to take the next step?  

There are few requirements for a Bin Gator Sweep:

  • Due to the weight of the grain on a parked Bin Gator, we do not currently recommend installing them in full-floor aeration bins
  • Grain storage tanks must be a MINIMUM of 36′ in diameter
  • 2,500 Bushels Per Hour or greater reclaim (take-away) capacity
  • Minimum 240 volt electrical – 480 volts preferred.  Canadian 575 volt electrics available.

What we need to know to get you a quote:

  • Your information – Name, Address, Phone, E-Mail, FAX
  • Size of your grain bin(s).  Diameter and eave height/number of rings/capacity/make/model.  Inside or outside stiffened?
  • Commodity – Corn/Beans/Wheat/?
  • Reclaim speed – Bushels Per Hour – Center Sump size
  • Voltage requirements

Okay.  I’m ready!

The easiest way to get a quote is to just call us and say “I’d like a Bin Gator quote, please!”  
(815) 538-3085
 Monday through Friday 7 a.m. ’til 3 p.m. Central time.


  • Download our Bin Gator Quote Request form and save it to your hard drive.    PDF Format      Word ’97 Format       Word 2010 Format
  • Open the file you just downloaded and fill it out as best you can.
  • SAVE the form file that you just filled out.
  • Send it in to us by email, FAX or U.S. Postal Service
  • Usually the same day – or the next working day – someone will call you to make sure that we are all on the same page.
  • Typically, later that same day you will receive your Bin Gator Quote via email or FAX
  • Look it over.  Call if you have questions or want to place an order.  (815) 538-3085  Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Central time.
  • If we don’t hear from you, we’ll usually give you a follow-up call in a few days to make sure that you got your quote and that you understood what was contained in it.